An international workshop on ‘Social Anthropology in Ethiopia: Celebrating decades of contributions in education, research and partnership’ was organized on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of AAU’s MA program in social Anthropology at Dessalegn Hotel, on 29-30 September, 2016.
In his welcoming speech, the Dean of social Anthropology, Getaneh Mehari (Ph.D.) pointed out that the MA program in social Anthropology is one of the oldest graduate programs at the college of Social sciences. He remarked that the program produced its first graduates in 1991(25 years ago). He stated that 341 male and 42 female (totally 383 students) students graduated from the program in the last 25 years.
He further indicated that the department has managed to organize this conference with the support of different individuals and institutions. On behalf of the school of social Anthropology, he extended gratitude to partners.
W/ro Meaza G/Medhin, State Minister of culture and Tourism, in her key note speech thanked the department of social Anthropology for organizing this conference in collaboration with her Ministry. She further indicated that local and international collaborations and partnerships have become indispensable mechanisms to realize institutional goals and achieve excellence.
Norwegian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. Andreas Gaarder, for his part said: “today we are celebrating the development of a specific branch within higher education and the research collaboration forged along that line. Norway has been engaged in higher education partnership (with the AAU) for several decades.”
Debebe Ero (Ph.D.), Associate Dean for Research and Technology Transfer of the College of Social Sciences, congratulated his colleagues at the department of social Anthropology for the outstanding success achieved. He also thanked partner institutions, donors and other collaborators.
The conference featured various sessions where different scholars from different corners of the world attended and interacted on research papers presented.
The conference reflected on the achievements and shortcomings of the last 25 years, recognizing the contributions of international partners and looking forward to forging new and enduring partnerships.
Source: Addis Ababa University