When Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory III is inaugurated, the will increase the number of active sugar factories in Ethiopia to eight – Wonji-Shoa, Metehara, Fincha, Tendaho, Kessem, Arjo-Didessa and Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory II.
KURAZ, SNNPR– Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory III, located between Kaffa and Bench Maji Zones, bordering Omo River is going to be inaugurated on Sunday, 14 October 2018, according to the Ethiopian Sugar Corporation’s press.
Construction of Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory III, one of the four sugar factories of Omo-Kuraz Sugar Development Project by the Ethiopian Sugar Corporation, was started in March 2016 with the eight billion birr finance acquired from Chinese Development Bank.
The factory constructed by Zhengzhou-based (Henan Province) China Complant Group Inc. has the capacity to produce from eight thousand to ten thousand quintals (882–1,102 tons) of sugar daily.
As the factory is equipped with the state of the art technology, it can produce raw sugar, plantation white sugar, and refined sugar.
Irrigation infra-structures capable of irrigating 100,000 hectares of land sugarcane plantation field of all the four sugar factories is under construction on Omo River. Out of this 30, 000 hectares of land has been made irrigable so far while 16,000 hectares of the irrigable land has been already covered with sugarcane plantation.
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Ever since its inception in 2010, Omo-Kuraz Sugar Development Project has created job opportunities for more than 110,000 people on permanent, temporary and contractual levels. Further, about 300 small and micro enterprises have also been organized taking the lion share in recruiting the significant number of human resources.
Inauguration of Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory III makes the number of active sugar factories in Ethiopia to eight, namely- Wonji-Shoa, Metehara, Fincha, Tendaho, Kessem, Arjo-Didessa and Omo-Kuraz Sugar Factory II.
Source: Ethiopian Sugar Corporation