Reppie Waste-to-Energy Facility in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA–The Reppie Waste-to-Energy Facility started full construction in September of 2014 and currently (October 2017) has completed over 90% of total project activity. The construction is expected to be completed by this year (2017). Reppie Waste-to-Energy facility, when completed will process over 1,400 tons of waste every day and produce over 185,000,000KWh of electricity to the Ethiopian national grid.

Development, Design and Construction of the project is conducted by a Consortium comprising Cambridge Industries Ltd (CIL) and its partner China National Electric Engineering Co (CNEEC), on behalf of the Employer, Ethiopian Electric Power Company (EEP).  EEP is being advised by its Owners Engineer, Ramboll of Denmark.

Reppie Waste-to-Energy: A Model for Waste Management in Africa

Africa’s waste stream, with its low calorific value and high moisture content, is very different to that found in more developed markets. CIL was created to design, construct and in some cases own extremely cost-competitive and scalable waste-to-energy facilities customized for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The development of Reppie Waste-to-Energy represents Phase I of a wider rollout program to develop multiple waste-to-energy plants across SSA’s major cities.

Constructing Africa’s first major waste-to-energy facility in Addis Ababa, the home of the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), fits perfectly with Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy.

The Facility will eliminate over 80% of the Municipal Waste delivered to it, whilst at the same time maximizing energy recovery in order to deliver much-needed renewable power to the surrounding City. The facility has a thermal capacity of 110MWth.

Sources: Africa WtE and Cambridge Industries Ltd
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