DILLA (Semonegna) – Dilla University Wonago Demographic Health Survey Center was inaugurated on 16 June 2020 in Wonago Woreda (District), Gedeo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR). The Center was established and funded by Dilla University in collaboration with Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED).
Dilla University President, Chirotaw Ayele (PhD), Gedeo Zone Administrator Mr. Gezu Assefa and the University’s management council members and relevant Wonago Woreda government officials attended the inauguration ceremony.
During the ceremony, Chirotaw Ayele (PhD) pointed out that the Center will carry out wide range of surveys on various health-related issues around Gedeo Zone, collecting data from the public on a variety of health issues. Gedeo Zone and especially Wonago Woreda is one of the overpopulated areas in the region and the Center will play a vital role in teaching the public about such issues as fertility and family planning.
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Gedeo Zone Administrator Mr. Gezu Assefa, during the ceremony, congratulated the University for the successful completion of the Center. He further noted that, the University also closely works with the zonal administration in different sectors, including agriculture and social affairs.
Dr. Selamawit Ayele, Vice President for the University’ College of Medicine, Health Science and Referral Hospital, on her part, said that the primary objectives of the Demographic Health Survey Center is to provide current and reliable data on different health-related issues including, fertility and family planning behavior, child mortality, children’s nutritional status, use of maternal and child health services, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and anemia.
“One of the main aims of the Center is also to strengthen the technical capacity of local implementing agencies to plan, conduct, process, and analyze data from complex national population and health surveys” Dr. Selamawit added.
At the end of the inauguration ceremony, Dilla University officials and invited guests planted trees, as part of the ongoing Second Green Legacy Campaign, in Center’s compound.
Source: Dilla University