In 2018 alone, the Bank has provided a total of US$ 3.1 billion financial supports (in the form of loan, donations, etc.) to Ethiopia, including the new RLLP support
ADDIS ABABA (Semonegna.com)–Ethiopia and the World Bank signed US$ 100 million financing agreement aimed to support Ethiopia’s Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project (RLLP).
The loan agreement was signed in Addis Ababa by Ethiopia’s Finance Minister Ahmed Shide, and Carrie Turk, World Bank’s Director for Ethiopia, the Sudan and South Sudan.
The Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project (RLLP) has the objectives to improve climate resilience, land productivity and carbon storage, and increase access to diversified livelihood activities in selected rural watersheds. The RLLP was approved on 30th July 2018 and will run until 7th July 2014. The World Bank document reports that the total cost of RLLP is US$ 129.00 million, of which the Bank has committed US$ 100.00 million.
In addition to building climate resilience, the Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project also aspires to help rural communities diversify their livelihood activities, according to the Finance Minister.
Ato Ahmed Shide said more than 645,000 households in Ethiopia’s six major regional states are expected to benefit from the RLLP, with financial backing from the bank.
The World Bank is also Ethiopia’s key financial partner in its aspirations to improve electrification coverage, among other projects, across the country. It was reported that, in 2018 alone, the Bank has provided a total of US$ 3.1 billion financial supports (in the form of loan, donations, etc.) to Ethiopia.
Ethiopia aims to provide electricity to all citizens by 2025, from the current 58.13 percent, according to the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MWIE).