Statement on the Negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
29 February 2020
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia noted with disappointment the Statement issued by the United States Department of Treasury on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) released on 28 February 2020, following a meeting held without Ethiopia’s participation. Ethiopia had notified Egypt, Sudan, and the US that it needed more time to deliberate on the process.
Ethiopia as the owner of the GERD will commence first filling of the GERD in parallel with the construction of the Dam in accordance with the principles of equitable and reasonable utilization and the causing of no significant harm as provided for under the Agreement on the Declaration of Principles (DoP).
Ethiopia does not accept the characterization that the negotiation on the Guidelines and Rules on the First Filling and Annual Operation of the GERD (Guidelines and Rules) is completed. The “text” reportedly initialed by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Washington, D.C. is not the outcome of the negotiation or the technical and legal discussion of the three countries. Ethiopia made it clear that the Guidelines and Rules must be prepared by the three countries. The Countries are yet to address outstanding issues pertaining to the finalization of the Guidelines and Rules.
Ethiopia, with the full knowledge and agreement of Egypt and Sudan has addressed all dam safety related issues during the International Panel of Experts process. Egypt and the Sudan had expressed their appreciation under Principle 8 of the DOP and Ethiopia will continue to implement it in good faith.
Ethiopia is committed to continue its engagement with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of the Sudan to address the outstanding issues and finalize the Guidelines and Rules on the first filling and annual operation of the GERD.
Source: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia
See also:
- Statement by the Secretary of the Treasury on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
- Update ― Joint Statement of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, the United States and the World Bank
- Update ― Joint statement of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, the U.S., and the World Bank
- Update ― Joint statement of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, the U.S., and the World Bank
- Joint statement of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, the U.S., and the World Bank