Barbara Kowalcyk, an assistant professor in the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, is working on a project improving food systems and nutrition in Ethiopia
By Maureen Miller (Ohio State University News)
Foodborne illnesses are critical global health problems, resulting in an estimated 600 million illnesses annually. Low- and middle-income countries bear most of the burden, largely due to poor food handling practices, weak regulatory systems and inadequate food safety laws.
Barbara Kowalcyk, an assistant professor in the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, wants nothing more than to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. She hopes her research study funded by a $3.39 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID) will provide important information that can be used to help improve food safety and enhance nutrition in low- to middle-income countries.
Over the next four years, the grant will be used to develop and implement a risk-based framework for food safety management and resource allocation with the goal of reducing foodborne illnesses and deaths and increasing equitable consumption of a safe, affordable and nutritious diet.
“Foodborne diseases are a significant public health issue,” Kowalcyk said. “And we cannot secure good nutrition without food safety. There is a lot of opportunity to make a significant impact in Ethiopia. I hope our work translates into fewer illnesses, less burden and healthier lives.”
The research and capacity-building project led by Kowalcyk, who is also a member of the Translational Data Analytics initiative, builds on the strong foundation of food safety work conducted at Ohio State. The work will focus on three major food safety hazards in Ethiopia, including non-typhoidal Salmonella, diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and Campylobacter.
Consumption of beef and dairy is increasing in Ethiopia and elsewhere in Africa as their economies improve. However, traditional processing of these products occurs in informal settings, utilizes raw products and rarely involves safe food handling practices such as pasteurization and thorough cooking before eating. The study will investigate cost-effective, gender-sensitive and socio-culturally acceptable ways to improve the safety of raw beef and dairy products.
“Food safety is among the key elements in food value chain development and this project will undoubtedly provide many in Ethiopia with the information and training they need to improve safe handling practices,” said Jemal Yousuf, acting president of Haramaya University. “To play a key role in this collaborative effort will be a rewarding experience.”
Read the complete story at Ohio State News