Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalengn said, “Ethiopia rejects the path of war and armed resistance in any forms and stands with those who have chosen peaceful engagement.”
Juba, South Sudan (Radio Tamazuj)–Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn on Friday told South Sudanese members of parliament that he stands with the people of South Sudan and the government and therefore his government rejects the path of war and armed resistance against the South Sudanese government.
Speaking at the National Parliament premise during one-day visit, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalengn said that he’s ready to cooperate in strong army-to-army cooperation between the two countries. He said that armed struggle cannot bring any peace and therefore his country wants to see peace.
“Ethiopia has committed itself as it has done early in 1972 during the interim period, and again in 2005 agreement for the CPA and the recent Addis Ababa Agreement in 2015. All these agreements were meant to bring about peace and stability in South Sudan,” he said.
“Today, we still continue to stand with people of South Sudan as they move forward towards the implementation of the peace agreement and consolidation stability in their own country,” he said.
Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalengn said, “Ethiopia rejects the path of war and armed resistance in any forms and stands with those who have chosen peaceful engagement.”