BAHIR DAR (UNESCO Addis Ababa)–The 8th edition of World Radio Day (WRD) is celebrated on 13-14 February 2019 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia with activities that reinforce the role of radio and bring together stakeholders. UNESCO organized the event together with partners at federal and regional levels. World Radio Day (WRD) is an annual global celebration of radio as a medium and recognizing its age long contribution to human communication serving the widest audience in the world. Selected community radio that have good experience in building peace in their communities participated in the celebration.
The theme of this year’s celebration is “Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace” which is an opportune for Ethiopia to reinforce the contribution of radio, particularly community radio, in culture of peace education.
On the occasion, the Director of UNESCO Liaison Office in Addis Ababa to AUC and ECA and Representative to Ethiopia, Ms Ana Elisa Santana Afonso delivered a message through her representative emphasising that peace, human rights and sustainable development education have never been more vital for Ethiopia and radio can provide the platform.
UN Secretary General, Mr Antonio Guterres on his video message has called on the need to recognizing the role of radio in creating communities and its service in peace building. Ms Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General, on her part has delivered a message emphasizing the role of radio in promoting indigenous cultures and languages of communities.
UNESCO Addis organized the national event in partnership with Amhara Mass Media Agency (AMMA), Ethiopian Broadcast Authority (EBA), Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) and Bahir Dar University (BDU). Two papers on the role of radio in promoting sustainable development and the role of community radio in peace building and conflict resolution were presented for discussion.
Participating journalists from the community radios broadcast the event to their stations. To capacitate the community radio policy and practice in Ethiopia, under the framework of strengthening the sustainability of community radio, selected board members of community radio stations participated in the event and in the training workshop held on the second day.
On the occasion, in addition to the community radios, participants from EBC- the national broadcaster, EBA-the regulatory, radio journalist from AMMA, students and lectures from BDU, and representatives from the regional bureau of communication and peace and security attended the event and workshop.
Ms Ana Elisa reiterates the commitment of UNESCO to support the development of the culture of peace in Ethiopia primarily through the development community radio. Bahir Dar is one of the 12 Learning Cities that was awarded in 2015 by UNESCO. The UNESCO Global Network of Learning cities promotes lifelong learning. Bahir Dar is the capital city of the Regional Government of Amhara and is located in North West Ethiopia on the shore of Lake Tana.
About World Radio Day
World Radio Day is an observance day held annually on 13 February to celebrate radio as a medium. It was proclaimed on 3 November 2011 by UNESCO’s 36th General Conference after originally being proposed by the Kingdom of Spain. The date of 13 February, the day the United Nations radio was established in 1946, was proposed by the Director-General of UNESCO. The objectives of the Day will be to raise greater awareness among the public and the media of the importance of radio; to encourage decision makers to establish and provide access to information through radio; as well as to enhance networking and international cooperation among broadcasters.
Source: UNESCO Liaison Office in Addis Ababa