EVENT: The 2nd Annual East Africa Finance Summit

EVENT: The 2nd Annual East Africa Finance Summit (2nd Annual EAFS)
DATE: December 19-20, 2017
VENUE: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Conference Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA (The i-Capital Africa Institute)– Eastern African countries have so many opportunities to benefit from the growing potentials by working together than in isolation. The financial institutions in the region and respective policy makers have so much to learn from each other’s achievements, challenges and success stories as well us find ways for working together for common ends. 

​This Annual Conference entitled, “Second Annual East Africa Finance Summit (2nd Annual EAFS)” is therefore designed to provide a common platform for key players and stakeholders of the region’s financial sectors to come together and discuss financial sector issues that matter most in shaping the future of financial sector success in Eastern Africa. 

ORGANIZERS: ● The i-Capital Africa Institute, ● Addis Ababa University, ● Jimma University

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Source: The i-Capital Africa Institute
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