Children in America presenting all what they know about Ethiopia

BGMC Kids: Children in America presenting all what they know about Ethiopia

BGMC Children (Springfield, MO) presenting all what they know about Ethiopia

The History of BGMC

In the late 1940’s, leaders of the Assemblies of God, including those who worked in the foreign missions department and the Sunday School department, discussed the development of a missions education program for boys and girls 12 years of age and younger. At that time there was a missions program for adults, and there was a missions program for the youth, called Speed the Light, but nothing for the children.

Sometime in 1949, someone in the national Sunday School department said this: “If children are to grow up to be adults concerned about missions, then they must be taught about missions as children.”

That’s how BGMC was started.

The Purpose of BGMC

From the beginning, BGMC had two goals:

  • To provide literature for the mission fields.
  • To give every boy and girl a desire to help missionaries.

A slogan was created to describe the ministry of BGMC. That slogan was “The Word for the World.”