First National Conference on Social and Behavioral Change (SBC) Held in Addis Ababa

ADDIS ABABA (MOH)–The First National Conference on Social and Behavioral Change (SBC) was held at Elilly International Hotel with the presence of Professor Yifru Birhan, Ethiopia’s Minister of Health.

Themed as ‘Transforming the Health System through Social and Behavior Change,‘ the conference was held for two consecutive days with the objectives of bringing together professionals, researchers and organizations to not only exchange knowledge and tap the art and sciences of SBC, but also understand it and open dialogue into priority public health problems by focusing on behavioral based interventions.

Some 160 participants drawn from the Ministry of Health (MOH), regional health bureaus, sectoral offices, academic institutions, religious institutions, development associations, NGOs, stakeholders, partners, donors, and media professionals, including Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) officers from the Seqota Declaration have participated in the conference that was organized jointly by Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs (JHU-CCP) and MOH .

When Simon Heliso, country representative and cop, JHU-CCP welcomed participants, Dr. Wagari Deressa, Dean of the School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, delivered keynote address. Ahmed Imano, Director of Public Relation and Health Education Directorate, MOH, and Betemariam Alemuof JHU-CCP moderated the conference.

Source: Ministry of Health 
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