Coronavirus: Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed and Japan’s Shinzō Abe summit telephone talk

Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed and Japan’s Shinzō Abe
Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed and Japan’s Shinzō Abe

On a phone conversation with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister Abiy explained Ethiopia’s efforts regarding COVID-19 and expressed his sincere appreciation for food assistance to be provided from Japan

TOKYO (APO Group) – On 21 April 2020, commencing at around 6:10 p.m. for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, held a summit telephone talk with Abiy Ahmed Ali, PhD, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The overview of the talk is as follows.

Prime Minister Abiy commended Japan’s efforts to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and offered his sympathy to those affected. Prime Minister Abiy also stated that he fully supports Prime Minister Abe’s decision to postpone the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In response, thanking Prime Minister Abiy’s remarks, Prime Minister Abe expressed his respect for the efforts of Prime Minister Abiy, a prominent leader representing Africa, to overcome COVID-19 in collaboration with the international society and stated that he shares the view with Prime Minister Abiy.

Prime Minister Abe explained Japan’s measures in response to COVID-19 while expressing gratitude for the Ethiopian government’s cooperation with the departure of Japanese nationals with Ethiopian Airlines, an indispensable airline for Japanese nationals to repatriate from Africa. Prime Minister Abe requested cooperation for continued operation of the Airlines. In response, Prime Minister Abiy stated that as a government, he would continue to support the operation of the Airlines, an Ethiopian state-owned company. Prime Minister Abiy explained Ethiopia’s efforts regarding COVID-19 and expressed his sincere appreciation for food assistance to be provided from Japan to Ethiopia following the outbreak of desert locust and COVID-19.

Both Prime Ministers shared the view to maintain close collaboration for enhanced relations between Japan and Ethiopia to end the current international pandemic and to promote private investment by Japanese companies to Ethiopia reflecting the outcome of the The Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7).

Source: APO Group