W/ro Yezeshewal Esheteis the founding member of Ethiopian Elderly and Pensioners National National Association (EEPNA), a national umbrella institution of older people associations in Ethiopia. W/ro Yezeshewal had conducted the following interview with HelpAge International, a global network of organizations promoting the right of all older people to lead dignified, healthy and secure lives. Excerpts:
Have you ever experienced discrimination because of your age?
I can’t remember any specific time when I have faced discrimination because I am an older woman. However, many older women and men in Ethiopia face a lot of discrimination. In hospitals, they don’t get proper treatment. You cannot find doctors who specialise in older people’s health issues. Lawyers and judges behave very rudely with older people, who then become reluctant to go to the courts to exercise their legal rights.
Tell me about your proudest moments as a campaigner
What are you campaigning for right now, and how are you doing it?
We are campaigning for income security and access to quality healthcare services in Ethiopia. We are meeting with Government officials, highlighting the issues at different forums and marching to raise awareness.