Wollo University Recognizes Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) ANRS

PHOTO: Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC)

Entrepreneurship Development Centre is has a long standing partnership with the University helping to address micro and small enterprises development at the local level.

DESSIE, Ethiopia (EDC)– Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) has been recognized by Wollo University for its entrepreneurship capacity development of instructors and a series of Entrepreneurship Trainings that were conducted for this year’s prospective graduating students. EDC has a long-standing partnership with the University, collaborating on past years Global Entrepreneurship Week events and also facilitating entrepreneurship trainings.

The Entrepreneurship Development Centre’s Amhara National Regional State (EDC ANRS) team conducted Government Capacity Building Training to 41 instructors from the University’s main campus in Dessie. The objective of the training is to inspire an entrepreneurship culture for instructors in order for them to incorporate it into their teaching and foster an entrepreneurship mind-set among their students.

EDC also facilitated Youth Entrepreneurship Trainings to 1,021 prospective graduates from 5–10 March 2018 in the Dessie and Kombolcha Technology campuses. The objective of the training is to equip students who are aspiring to become entrepreneurs with the right skills that will give them the confidence to start their own business. Young graduates are innovative, risk-takers and are on the cusp of new technologies. The training helps them identify their entrepreneurship competency and how they can apply their creative nature into a business idea.

Wollo University is renowned for its active engagement in community service and collaborating with local government and non-government entities as it relates to Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) development. The University is dedicated to continuously building the capacity of University students and staff on entrepreneurial competencies and also addressing other elements of the entrepreneurship ecosystem – including access to finance, networking, regulation and innovation. Entrepreneurship Development Centre is happy to have a long standing partnership with the University helping to address MSE development at the local level. The Centre will continue to support the University in entrepreneurship capacity development and also collectively address the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region.

Source: EDC