ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (FBC)–Some 44 public universities have finalized preparations to enroll new students as of late September (which is the beginning of the academic year in the country), said the Ministry of Education.
Dr. Samuel Kifle, State Minister, at the Ministry of Education, told Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) on Thursday, Aug. 17, that nine of them are new universities which will be enrolling students for the first time. These nine universities are parts of the 11 new universities the country has planned to construct in the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-II).
Public universities across the country admitted 136,442 new students this Ethiopian academic year.
The country envisaged raising the annual students’ enrollment capacity of higher learning institutions to 1.4 million by 2020.
Dr. Samuel further said university entrance points for the 2010 Ethiopian academic year will be announced at the end of this month.
Source: FBC
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