(ENA)–Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture and natural Resources has launched the country’s first Agricultural Extension Strategy in the presence of different stakeholders on March 20, 2017 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa.
Speaking at a workshop organized for the launching of the strategy for stakeholders, Agriculture and Natural Resources Minister Dr. Eyasu Abraha said the strategy will create effective and efficient agricultural extension system in the country.
According to the minister, the strategy will use market-oriented, demand driven and pluralistic practices and methods. Besides, it will contribute significantly to the attainment of food and nutrition security, poverty reduction, and wealth creation.
In this regard, he said, it can play a crucial role to improve agricultural productivity and livelihood of smallholders by developing innovative, systematic and dynamic agricultural services.
The strategy is meant to be implemented by smallholding farmers, pastoralists and semi-pastoralists across the country, it was indicated. Furthermore, the agricultural extension strategy will benefit females and youth.
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The minister stated that the strategy will serve as an umbrella for the agricultural sub-sectors, including crops, livestock and fishery, natural resources management and other cross cutting issues.
The agricultural extension services have greater potential to help farmers throughout the years.
In this respect, research-based agricultural extension service has been provided since 1953 by Haramaya University.
The Agricultural Extension Strategy launched on March 20 was developed based on consultative and interactive processes facilitated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Agricultural Transformation Agency.
Source: WIC
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