Lex:lead is a group of international lawyers and friends who support economic development focusing on the world’s least developed countries.
Lex:lead was founded in 2010 to continue the work of the Global Challenge, a group that had formed in 2001 under the International Bar Association to bring lawyers worldwide to the issue of development focusing on the least developed countries.
For Lex:lead Scholarship Competition 2017, Up to ten US$500 awards are to be made in February 2018 to the top-ranked essays answering this year’s essay question:
“How can banking regulatory law reduce poverty and support economic development?”
Registration: September 1 to November 30, 2017 (Register here)
Essays will be accepted from registered candidates from December 1 to December 32, 2017. Submissions from unregistered candidates or received after December 31, 2017 cannot be accepted.
Candidates must have citizenship in an eligible country and be a law student enrolled in studies in an eligible country at the time of award (see Home page for eligibility). Essays must be in compliance with competition rules (see Student Instructions 2017).
Note that awards are generally payable to the winner’s educational institution on his/her behalf and not to the student directly. Funds may also be less any necessary bank conversion fees and/or taxes. Lex:lead will never charge a fee to participate. A Certificate of Participation will be sent to all registered candidates who submit an essay by the deadline.
Click here to read more about the Scholarship or to register for the 2017 competition
See also:
- VIDEO: The Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF) 2017: Ethiopian Fellows
- Addis Ababa University’s College of Health Sciences Launches New Program: LIYF
- Interview with Global Swede Award Recipient Mr Getnet Mengesha Asrat from Ethiopia
- University of Oslo Awards Honorary Doctorate to Abraham Haileamlak Mitike of Jimma University
- American Geophysical Union Honors Ethiopian Melessew Nigussie with “Africa Awards for Research Excellence in Space Science”